Friday, October 3, 2008

Why I'm Voting Against the One Chicken Folks

From How the Allies of George Soros brought down Wachovia Bank

"This set of political organizations also includes the International Crisis Group, whose foreign policy staff is likely to contain the embryonic future of the State Department in an Obama Administration . Eli Pariser, who heads MoveOn.Org, boasts about his group's role in the Democratic Party:

"Now it's our party: we bought it, we own it, and we are going to take it back."
They have already done so, in large measure.

The top four donors to these 527 groups in the last Presidential election cycle (2004) were Soros, Peter Lewis of Progressive Insurance, Steven Bing, and Herbert and Marion Sandler . Collectively they gave 78 million dollars to left-leaning 527 groups. That was just in 2004. They have become much more ambitious over the last few years. "

They haven't bought me yet.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

An Innate Sense of Fairness

When you hear some political figure saying he is going to make sure folks are paying "their fair share" of the expense of running the government, it's best to know whose chickens he's talking about:

The organizer told the peasant, “When we come into power, if one man has two acres of land and one man has none, we will take one acre from the man with two acres and give to the man who has none.”

“That’s good,” said the peasant.

“And if one man has two mules, and one man has no mules, we will take a mule from the man who has two mules and give it to the man who has none.”

“That’s good,” said the peasant.

“Furthermore,” promised the organizer, “if one man has two chickens, and another man has no chickens, we will take one chicken from the man who has two chickens and give it to the man who has none.”

“That’s bad,” said the peasant.

“That’s bad?” asked the organizer. "Why is that bad?"

“I have two chickens,” said the peasant.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Town

Greenwood, Leflore County, Mississippi
Population: 18,425

Leflore County Board of Supervisors Meeting:

Representatives from the Browning Civic League asked for a progress report on the county's efforts to get rid of hogs in the streets of Browning. Board president Robert Moore said the county would try to eliminate the problem and would be able to give a report at the board's next meeting on Nov. 26.

Greenwood Commonwealth
Wednesday, November 14, 2007